British Values

British Values Statement

At Cumbria Futures Federation we seek to promote British values actively.

Cumbria Futures Federation is committed to serving its community.  It recognises the multicultural, multi-faith and ever-changing nature of the United Kingdom.  It also understands the vital role it has in ensuring that groups or individuals within the school are not subjected to intimidation or radicalisation by those wishing to unduly, or illegally, influence them.

It follows equal opportunities guidance, and will not tolerate discrimination against any individual or group, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status, or similar.  Cumbria Futures Federation is dedicated to preparing students for their adult life beyond the formal, examined curriculum and ensuring that it promotes and reinforces British values to all its students.

The five key British values are:


In school we promote the importance of democracy through:School Council

  • Questionnaires
  • Youth Parliament
  • Student voice
  • Collaborative working
  • Elections of Form Captains, House Captains & Senior Prefects.

The Rule of the Law

In school we promote the importance of the rule of the law by:

  • A clearly structured behaviour Policy
  • School Code of Conduct
  • Accountability is stressed to all stakeholders including staff (Teacher’s Standards), students (Code of Conduct), and Governors.
  • The school liaises closely with outside agencies including the Police and Social Services
  • The Acceptable Use Policy is used to promote the correct use of the internet.
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Students are taught the value and reasons behind laws; that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when rules are broken.

Individual Liberty

In school we promote the importance of individual liberty through:

  • Students are introduced to a range of beliefs and experiences so that they are able to make more informed choices for themselves
  • Students are able to make choices about the courses they will study at Key Stage 4
  • The provision of extra-curricular activities and clubs, including extended studies.
  • Students choose their own work experience placements.
  • Students are taught the knowledge and skills to broaden their choices about future work, travel and education.
  • Students are encouraged to voice views in lesson in a formative manner.

Mutual respect

In school we promote the importance of mutual respect through:

  • Behaviour Policy
  • Code of Conduct
  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • E Safety Guidance
  • The publishing and enforcement of the gender-neutral school uniform
  • Assemblies
  • Good oracy in the classroom
  • The curriculum helps students to learn about a wide range of people, cultures and beliefs and so develops students’ ability to make informed decisions, be confident in their own identity and understand and respect that of others.

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

In school we promote the importance of tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs through:

  • Assemblies
  • Black History month
  • Discussions on prejudices in RE and PDEV lesson
  • PDEV lessons on current events
  • All students are regularly asked if they feel safe in school.

At Cumbria Futures federation we incorporate British values into the curriculum. For example:


In the History curriculum, students at both Key Stages explore the objectives and consequences of the Treaty of Versailles, drawing connections to the roots and commencement of World War II. By engaging in discussions, they have the opportunity to draw comparisons to their personal life choices and how they are accountability for their actions.

Within the broader curriculum, all students gain an understanding, such as during Holocaust Memorial Week, of the value of the individual freedoms granted to them in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, they investigate the significance and duty associated with exercising freedom of speech in the UK, all the while considering the misleading information through propaganda and prejudiced sources.


English lessons can promote mutual respect and tolerance by examining diverse literature, including works by authors from different backgrounds and cultures. This can foster an appreciation for diversity and an understanding of the importance of respecting others’ beliefs and opinions.

English lessons often encourage critical thinking and debate. This can be a platform for discussing and analysing complex issues related to British values, such as freedom of speech, ethical decision-making, and the balance between individual rights and the common good.

English lessons may incorporate current events and contemporary issues, allowing students to discuss and analyse how British values are relevant in today’s society


PE can extend beyond the classroom, involving community engagement through sports events, charity runs, or fitness programs. This fosters a sense of community and social responsibility among students

PE often involves physical challenges that require resilience and determination. Encouraging students to push their limits and overcome obstacles promotes these values, which are essential for personal growth and development.

Teaching the principles of fair play and respect for opponents, teammates, and officials is essential in PE. Emphasizing these values encourages students to treat others with respect and uphold the rules of the game, even when under pressure.


Science is often a collaborative process where researchers, scientists, and experts work together to discover and solve complex problems. Students can learn about the democratic nature of scientific inquiry, where ideas are shared, debated, and tested through peer review and open discourse.

Science education can highlight the importance of ethics and adherence to the rule of law in scientific research. Students can explore the ethical guidelines and legal frameworks that govern scientific experiments, ensuring responsible and lawful conduct.

Science encourages individual curiosity and exploration. Students should be encouraged to ask questions, form hypotheses, and design their experiments, promoting individual liberty in scientific inquiry.